• Randall 'Downward Dog' Moore tries hot yoga at Yogatown

    Tracy Billows of Yogatown takes Randall Moore from CHEZ106's Doc and Woody Radio Show through the paces. His hot yoga intro session was a real eye opener. He really rocked the downward dogs. I don't think he believes any longer that yoga is exercising while having a nap!He truly was a good sport. I had bags of fun joining him to demo some poses and help keep his spirits up!I…

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  • Awakening to a Deeper and Richer Yoga Experience

    My original intention for starting yoga had been to improve my fitness. Based upon what I was reading at the time, six years ago, I expected that adding this activity to my training regime would improve my flexibility, balance, strength and endurance. I intended for yoga to complement my time on the bike and in the gym. Thus, not surprisingly given this orientation; the physical aspect of asanas and breathing…

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  • Why cyclists benefit from regular yoga practice!

    Let's face it. Nobody wishes to feel bad, tired and stressed. Most of us would prefer to be fit and healthy. So, it's no wonder we search for ways to feel good, energized and firmly in control over our emotions.Regular exercise and better eating habits are the cornerstones to sustainable well-being. It's not one big decision that does the trick. It's literally hundreds of small choices that we make each…

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